Friday, 2 October 2015

How to make a Combat Robot

WARNING : This is just a short outline. You will have to refer to books/websites available in the market/internet for complete reference of making a combat robot.

You have to read.A lot. You cannot escape from that. Are you ready to do that? Then let's move ahead...

The entire process of competing in robotic combat events involves reading, researching, reading, asking pointed questions, reading and generally turning into a sponge of everything technical.                                                                                                     - Team Delta 

Books you should google right now if you haven't already...

  • Chris Hannold’s “Combat Robots Complete" and “Combat Robot Weapons,” 
  • Grant Imahara’s “Kickin’ Bot.”  

Checkout list of web links here : Websites-to-look-after-for-combat-robot
Now the Steps :

Choose a weapon :
  •         This is totally a personal decision. You choice is influenced by many factors. The first bot that inspired you to jump into this, quest of which brought you here :)
Amount of money you are willing to spend on your first project. Since this is a blog for beginners, start with simple designs.(again,only if you want to.)

  • Every design has it's pros and cons. Pros and Cons listed here on this weblink.
Choosing parts for the bot :

Before designing? you might ask. You will know why on your own

Here comes Researching the market for the parts you want and  the parts which are available.Check out and compare Weight and Size specs.

This involves reading catalogues of wide range of products of different companies. The list can be narrowed down if you have slighter idea of what exactly you wanna make.

Some quick go-through points 
  • Choose LiPo over NiMH. It saves weight.And it's costly.
  • Wheels - Your choice. Don't forget to choose bigger wheels if you want to make your bot invertible. Mind the clearance.
  • Transmitter/receiver -  For wireless bots. Go to HobbyKing.Suggest if there are other options.
  • Servos - Because No Speed Controller.Saves money plus weight.Give preference to torque over speed.
  • Weapon motor- Servo for flippers, DC geared motor for spinners.
Our bot had Nylon gear DC motor. It couldn't handle the stress and it broke after a match. Make it of some other strong material(metals).
Design using a modelling software :

        This takes the most of the time of the complete process. Ideally 50% of the time should be spent  here. You will know where your parts will go.

Cost Analysis : This is usually done at the end of  whole process, this is more helpful when you make the bot next time. Rough calculation helps predict the total cost.


& Practice.

When you decide to go for more custom and complex designs

Fabrication : Ain't a part to worry.Right ? NO.
If you mess up this. You are doomed. This is gonna take me some time. Will do it later.

Getting started.

For starters, a 4 episode video series for a simple combat robot is here :

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4 Part 1

Episode 4 Part 2

Episode 4 Part 3

In the end, the book I found very useful 

For more resources, click on this reddit link :) Battlebots

Read this books which I found to be extremely helpful :)

 Build your own combat Robot