Some of the best Websites to look after for a Combat Robot Enthusiast
*An account of Counter Revolution bot can be found here in this personal website and
other awesome works done by an enthusiast. Must Visit
*This is a dedicated forum and please refrain from Asking a "Dumb Questions" there.
It is run by Mark Joerger(Undoubtedly the person who knows most about this sport).
There are hundreds of Questions answered beautifully. Link to his Website down here.
Definition of a Dumb Question : A question whose answer can be googled easily.
* Robotcombat
*Delphiforums - Rules and regulations, Mechwars. It's a forum.
* Team Delta - Check out it's FAQ. It's more motivating and interesting than this blog.
* Do visit this. Simple and awesome.
*Delphiforums - Rules and regulations, Mechwars. It's a forum.
* Team Delta - Check out it's FAQ. It's more motivating and interesting than this blog.
* Do visit this. Simple and awesome.
* Too much stuff on this Reddit Link : Battlebots
* Intersting stuff!home/c129a
* Getting started -
* Intersting stuff!home/c129a
* Getting started -