Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Abstract(build report) of Rust In Peace bot

Hey Guys...This time I take the chance to present you abstract(build report) of Rust In Peace bot, Pune.
I thank One of the creator of the bot +Rohit Patel  for providing me this report.
This bot along with Shivaji Raje, Pune bot has inspired people engage in this sport. Since we are not veteran in this sport, we have many things to explore in this area(many ways of fun I should say:) ).
So without much ado...download it from here and don't forget to thank Rohit Patel for this ;)
I would very much want to have a build report of Shivaji Raje as well.It will just be a blast of information then...Click on the link to find the abstract..Cheers ;)


Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Things to keep in mind before you make a combot

Things to keep in mind before you make a combot :)
*First,If you are intending to participate in a competition then start as early as possible. Testing is one of the most important thing because you don't want to be repairing your bot for the problem that was uncalled for just after you made the bot.
It is usually a scene at the event that guys are running here and there for tools and batteries(ohh yeah!) just before fight is about to start!
*Always call the organizers/in charge of the event  about the floor of the arena.(mentioned in arena article)!
*Check availability of the parts...remember you will always end up compromising for some parts ...so be prepared for that as well.

Monday, 13 October 2014



One of the important parameters which decide winning or losing of your bot ?
Surprised How ?
Once we landed at a competition where they kept a SURPRISE elimination round in which bots were supposed to traverse a certain distance on the ground.yes...bare-naked ground!
We had an anti-wedge fitted which sunk into the ground right at the moment we kept it on the floor :(
What a sad moment it was!

Alright now off to the arena...

In international competitions people have SAFER arena.
Generally, It weighs up to 35 tons, has 48 cross 48 ft steel floor and is 24 ft high. Walls are made up of Lexan(a highly resistant polycarbonate ) which is 1 inch thick at the bottom and 3/16 th inch at the top and 8 cross 8 ft entry doors.
Whereas in India we have smaller and unsafe arenas which needs to be changed.

 How do we do that?

Cage : For the start, choose 1/4" polycarbonate for 15 kg category. It's better if you go for 1/2", that way you can use it for other heavy weight categories as well. Stacking a 1/4" inch poly. over 1/2" inch is a good idea so we don't have to replace the whole sheet after hits of the bots.

Floor : Arena floor materials

Other things : Lighting, Hazards.

Warning : Please confirm from other organizers about the thickness of the poly. for the weight category of your choice.

Update on Indian Arenas soon ...
Wooden Arena

Open at the top arena...umm dangerous if you are not wearing IronMan suit
Even this isn't safe!!!
Image credit: http://www.teamtornado.co.uk/photos/rm21fo1.jpg

That's what I call an arena :)

Cool..Isn't it?

Optimizing the time for making a robot

Optimizing the time for making a robot....

Sure experience is the plus factor but you have to know few things about mechanics,motors and li'l bit electronics.
It generally starts with a designing process.
There will be times when you will not have what you want.You may have to compromise. You are going to apply your sense of JUGAAD which you are definitely best at by birth :)
In no particular order...
1. Check availability of parts and workshop tools
2. Find a place where you can keep all your components(putting things here and there consumes a lot of time).
3.Divide your building process in number of days available before the competition,so that you have your buddy ready and tested.
Update soon...
Suggestions are welcome

Sport Spirit

                                                            Sport Spirit... :)

This may seem unimportant to you but it's really necessary. Patience and persistence is what you need :)
Also building a bot is not a tough task as they say.
  The most important thing is you "Use your imagination"

Usually people who participate in this kinda competition become aggressive when they feel they are biased.When you are in this type of situation, please handle that situation with sportsmanship because that way it's easier to handle the situation.
Make good relationship and behavior with your opponent because it's not the last time you are competing with them.  You may need his support anytime soon :)

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Sad reality of Indian arena and bots 10/12/14

General Discussion...

1. It is very sad that in India, people refrain from making SAFER ARENA owing to the large amount of money it takes to make one.We generally have open-from-top-arenas which in no way assures safety of the contestants and spectators as well :(
You might probably have heard about the recent accident in IIT Kharagpur. It is definitely a shame that leading institute like IIT Kharagpur doesn't provide safe arena.

2.Cutting short the bad part,we finally have arrived at the moment where some TRUE enthusiasts from Pune are trying to make an arena according to the international standards. Arena will be provided to the institutes on reasonable amount of rent. It is going to cost about 50 Lacs for making it which is a huge amount.

The time is not far when we will be hosting an international event :)

Check out this post : Robot arena